Monday, February 12, 2007

A Night at the Museum

One phrase "the best first date movie in history", funny, good action, and a good story line. I'm not really the Jumanji type of guy, I don't really like children, I don't really like children movies, in fact you would have to put a gun in my back to see anything made by Pixar, but "A night at the Museum" is fantastic. What I loved that the Hero isn't really a Hero, he isn't the President, he wasn't sniper in Nam he's just a average guy who can't find a job. Also Robin Williams made his first decent appearance in a movie since "Good Will Hunting", but how can you screw up Teddy Roosevelt. The CG was also about as flawless as it comes. There are some Owen Wilson scenes that hint on other flicks, even a gay cowboy "Why can't I quit you" reference, as well as a couple of "Armageddon" shots. If you have a date this week "A Night at the Museum" will 100% get you laid, well 99% cause it didn't work for me.


Friday, February 9, 2007

Ghost Busters

Ok, so I've started a blog that will actually has a subject, movie reviews. The first being Ghostbusters or as I like to call it "the best fucking movie ever made". I believe this has all the criteria that a good movie is looking for:

1. either good comedy or action (Ghostbusters has both)
2. good character development, most movies don't spend enough time on character development. If you are watching a movie and half way through a charactor dies and you don't care, you are watching a crappy film.
3. a crappy sequel or what happened later words right before the credits ( I think that should be a law in all movies). I hate endings like the western "Shane", you never know if he loved or died.

I'm going to see "Smoking Aces" tonight so my first real post will be on Monday.