Friday, February 9, 2007

Ghost Busters

Ok, so I've started a blog that will actually has a subject, movie reviews. The first being Ghostbusters or as I like to call it "the best fucking movie ever made". I believe this has all the criteria that a good movie is looking for:

1. either good comedy or action (Ghostbusters has both)
2. good character development, most movies don't spend enough time on character development. If you are watching a movie and half way through a charactor dies and you don't care, you are watching a crappy film.
3. a crappy sequel or what happened later words right before the credits ( I think that should be a law in all movies). I hate endings like the western "Shane", you never know if he loved or died.

I'm going to see "Smoking Aces" tonight so my first real post will be on Monday.


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